Wednesday, January 31, 2007

How To Lower Your Car Insurance Quote

The discrepancy in cost of premium among different Insurance companies can be considerable. Different companies consider risk factors, which is the basis of insurance, differently. What is considered a high risk factor in company "A" might be treated differently by company "B." A Car Insurance price or premium is usually arrived at following the car owner’s answers to a series of questions put to him or her by an Insurance company according to their set rules in terms of risk factors. So, it will be a good idea to try a number of insurance companies and eventually settle with one which price is more favourable to you in relation to your answers. Also before buying you car bear in mind that among all the risk factors on which an insurance company will base your premium, the type and cost of your car is a very important consideration. The most popular rating group for cars is the ABI (Association of British Insurers), which divides vehicles into about 20 groups for the sake of premium. It will also make your premium even cheaper if your buy your car insurance online, because by so doing you save the Insurance company some expense, some of which they pass over to you inform of discount. If you are an inexperienced driver, it will lower your premium if your car is in the lower group. And your answer regarding your annual mileage will also affect your premium, so don’t just take suggestions on annual mileage from the agent, work at your expected mileage and arrive at a realistic annual mileage by yourself. There are different types of car insurance policies, but the most popular is the Third Party insurance policy, which is the cheapest of the insurance covers legally available. The Third Party is the car insurance of choice for most people, but if you get involved in an accident, only damages suffered by a third party are covered. However, a Comprehensive policy should be considered if your car is an expensive one. One of the other factors considered nowadays as a risk factor is your credit rating. Keep it good. A poor credit record will surely jack up your car insurance premium. Bear in mind that in arriving at your monthly premium cost, Insurance companies try to find out how much excess you are prepared to carry on your policy. This is supposed to be voluntary, but higher excess generally lowers your premium. The down side is that before any claim is paid to you, you will be required to liquidate the amount of excess on your policy. Your driving record is also a very important factor. If you have had accidents or convictions prior to taking out a car insurance policy or have accident and convictions while on your current policy, these will affect your premium upwardly. How many times you have made car insurance claims in the last five years is also considered a factor for giving you a lower or higher insurance premium, so try an be a good drive. When buying a car insurance, do not overload your policy with additional drivers, because this will mean a higher premium for you. Most companies will allow you, at a small additional charge, to add an additional driver on your policy if the need arises. And be aware that the security of your car is an important factor while your insurance company calculates your premium, so keep it right too; using a car alarm and immobiliser will reassure the company and even afford you some discount. Finally, note that Insurance companies consider drivers with advanced test certificates more responsible or better drivers, and lowers their monthly premium. Being married with an insured spouse and paying your annual premium at a go are both ways of getting cheaper premium cost, too. Consider buying your car insurance online because by so dong you save the insurance company some expense, some of which they pass over to you in form of discount. Drive sensibly. Neshah writes for your success – find your nearest seized car auction listing at Nationwide Government Car Auction Listing for cheap new and nearly new cars at 90% off retail prices

By : Jackson Neshah

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